90 күн - тунук акыл, тереңирээк үн, ишенимдүү адам. Мага порнонун кереги жок

So I did the 90.

It was completely worth it.

I grew a beard, I had clarity of mind, my voice is deeper, I’m more confident. I didn’t need porn and its evils. I was sceptical of superpowers but then…

I even met a girl and got laid post day 80.

I think I did some things wrong. I edged, I thought about triggers. I ocassionally looked at porn. So this time I’m doing it right.

I have been having too much of the chaser effect and I just fapped with some light stimulation. Resetting my badge now and this time I’m going for gold.

Thank you all for your support. I can’t wait for this new journey. I want to do it all over again.

90 done. Fapped. Reset. A great journey

by Fapstronaut001