Понашања повезана са употребом интернета у војним студентима медицине и становницима (КСНУМКС)

Мил Мед. КСНУМКС Апр КСНУМКС. пии: усзКСНУМКС. дои: КСНУМКС / милмед / усзКСНУМКС.

Schmidt G1, Valdez M2, Фарел М3, Бисхоп Ф4, Клам ВП1, Доан АП1,4.



Проблематична употреба видео игара, друштвених медија и активности повезаних са Интернетом може бити повезана са депривацијом сна и лошим радним перформансама. Тест зависности на интернет је дат студентима војне медицине и медицинских сестара и домаћинима како би процијенили проблематичну употребу интернета.


Студенти медицинских и медицинских сестара на Универзитету здравствених наука у Униформираним службама и становници Поморског медицинског центра Сан Диего контактирани су путем е-маила (н = КСНУМКС) и добили су анкету која је укључивала тест зависности од интернета (ИАТ) и питања у вези са другим специфичним начином живота Променљиве. Појединци који су добили оцјену зависности од интернета (ИАС) ≥КСНУМКС су идентификовани као вјероватно штетни ефекти зависности од интернета (ИА).


Of 399 surveys submitted, 68 were omitted due to gross incompletion or failing to finish the entirety of the IAT. Of the participants included, 205 (61.1%) were male and 125 (37.9%) were female. The mean age was 28.6 years old (S.D. = 5.1 years). In regards to training status, completed surveys were assessed for 94 medical residents, 221 School of Medicine students, and 16 Graduate School of Nursing students. Our survey showed 5.5% of the participants (n = 18) indicated problems with Internet use that are concerning for IA.


The study results indicated that our population showed problematic Internet use in the lower range of global estimates of IA. Rates of IA further decreased between medical students and residents. Multiple lifestyle variables were significantly associated with IA score and may serve as indicators of a higher score. Interestingly, the use of social media during sleeping hours was most significantly associated with increased IAS. This paper discusses IA among military medical and nursing trainees and how problematic Internet use may affect work performance and force readiness.

Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States 2019. This work is written by (a) US Government employee(s) and is in the public domain in the US.

KEYWORDS: Excessive use of Internet; Internet addiction; electronic media; housestaff; medical student; problematic use of video games; sleep; social media; trainee


дои: 10.1093/milmed/usz043