Карактеристике и психијатријски симптоми поремећаја интернет игара међу одраслим особама које користе само-пријављене ДСМ-КСНУМКС критеријуме (КСНУМКС)

Псицхиатри Инвестиг. 2016 Jan;13(1):58-66.

Kim NR1, Hwang SS2, Цхои ЈС3, Ким ДЈ4, Деметровицс З5, Кирали О5, Нагиорги К5, Гриффитхс МД6, Hyun SY7, Youn HC8, Цхои СВ9.



The Section III of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) proposed nine diagnostic criteria and five cut-point criteria for Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD). We aimed to examine the efficacy of such criteria.


Adults (n=3041, men: 1824, women: 1217) who engaged in internet gaming within last 6 months completed a self-report online survey using the suggested wordings of the criteria in DSM-5. Major characteristics, gaming behavior, and psychiatric symptoms of IGD were analyzed using ANOVA, chi-square, and correlation analyses.


The sociodemographic variables were not statistically significant between the healthy controls and the risk group. Among the participants, 419 (13.8%) were identified and labeled as the IGD risk group. The IGD risk group scored significantly higher on all motivation subscales (p<0.001). The IGD risk group showed significantly higher scores than healthy controls in all nine psychiatric symptom dimensions, i.e., somatization, obsession-compulsion, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, hostility, phobic anxiety, paranoid ideation, and psychoticism (п <0.001).


The IGD risk group showed differential psychopathological manifestations according to DSM-5 IGD diagnostic criteria. Further studies are needed to evaluate the reliability and validity of the specific criteria, especially for developing screening instruments.

КЉУЧНЕ РЕЧИ: DSM-5; Internet gaming disorder; Psychiatric symptoms