Интернет зависност: развој и валидација инструмента у адолесцентским научницима у Лими Перу (КСНУМКС)

Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica. 2011 Sep;28(3):462-9.

Lam-Figueroa N, Contreras-Pulache H, Mori-Quispe E, Nizama-Valladolid M, Gutiérrez C, Hinostroza-Camposano W, Torrejón Reyes E, Hinostroza-Camposano R, Coaquira-Condori E, Hinostroza-Camposano WD.


Instituto de Investigaciones Clínicas, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú


Циљеви. To develop and validate an instrument to assess Internet Addiction (IA) phenomenon in adolescents of Metropolitan Lima.

Материјали и методе. We performed an observational analytical study, including a sample of 248 high school adolescent students. In order to evaluate the IA, we constructed the questionnaire: “Scale for Internet Addiction of Lima” (SIAL), which assesses symptoms and dysfunctional characteristics. The resulting items were submitted to experts judgment, finally obtaining a 11-item scale.

Резултати. The mean age was 14 years old. The psychometric analysis of the instrument showed a Cronbach Alpha Coefficient of 0.84, with values of item-total correlation ranging from 0.45 to 0.59. The dimensional analysis yielded a two-dimensional structure that explained up to 50.7% of the total variance. The bi-dimensional data analysis revealed a significant association (p<0,001) between Dimension I (symptoms of IA) and the weekly time spent on the Internet, male sex, past history of bad behavior in school and plans for the future. Dimension II (dysfunction due to IA) had a significant association to past history of bad behavior, plans for the future (p<0,001) and missing school without valid reasons.

Закључци. СИАЛ је показао добру интерну конзистентност, са умереном и значајном корелацијом међу ставкама. Налази показују да овисност има динамичну улогу, што доказује проблем настао у породичним обрасцима и неадекватним друштвеним мрежама.