Преваленца перципираних симптома стреса депресије и поремећаја спавања у односу на информациону и комуникацијску технологију Примјена ИКТ међу младима у експлоративној проспективној студији (КСНУМКС)

Comments; From 2007. High levels of cell phone and Internet correlates with depression, anxiety, and sleep problems.

Sara Thomée  Mats Eklöf, Ewa Gustafsson, Ralph Nilsson, Матс Хагберг


Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy and University Hospital, Box 414, 405 30 Göteborg, Sweden



Циљ ове студије био је да се проспективно истражи да ли је висока употреба информационих и комуникационих технологија (ИКТ) фактор ризика за развој психолошких симптома међу младим ИКТ корисницима. Одговорила је група студената на упитник на почетку и на КСНУМКС-годишње праћење (n = 1127). Exposure variables, such as different types of ICT use, and effect variables, such as perceived stress, symptoms of depression and sleep disturbances, were assessed. Prevalence ratios were computed, based on symptom-free subjects at baseline and prevalence of symptoms at follow-up.

For women, high combined use of computer and mobile phone at baseline was associated with increased risk of reporting prolonged stress and symptoms of depression at follow-up, and number of short message service (SMS) messages per day was associated with prolonged stress. Also online chatting was associated with prolonged stress, and e-mailing and online chatting were associated with symptoms of depression, while Internet surfing increased the risk of developing sleep disturbances. For men, number of mobile phone calls and SMS messages per day were associated with sleep disturbances. SMS use was also associated with symptoms of depression.

The findings suggest that ICT may have an impact on psychological health, although causal mechanisms are unclear.