Повезаност патолошке употребе интернета и коморбидне психопатологије: систематски преглед (КСНУМКС)


Царли В, Дуркее Т, Вассерман Д, Hadlaczky G, Despalins R, Kramarz E, Вассерман Ц, Сарцхиапоне М, Ховен ЦВ, Бруннер Р, Каесс М.



Pathological Internet use (PIU) has been conceptualized as an impulse-control disorder that shares characteristics with behavioral addiction. Research has indicated a potential link between PIU and psychopathology; however, the significance of the correlation remains ambiguous. The primary objective of this systematic review was to identify and evaluate studies performed on the correlation between PIU and comorbid psychopathology; the secondary aims were to map the geographical distribution of studies, present a current synthesis of the evidence, and assess the quality of available research.


An electronic literature search was conducted using the following databases: MEDLINE, PsycARTICLES, PsychINFO, Global Health, and Web of Science. PIU and known synonyms were included in the search. Data were extracted based on PIU and psychopathology, including depression, anxiety, symptoms of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), obsessive-compulsive symptoms, social phobia and hostility/aggression. Effect sizes for the correlations observed were identified from either the respective publication or calculated using Cohen’s d or R(2). The potential effect of publication bias was assessed using a funnel plot model and evaluated by Egger’s test based on a linear regression.


The majority of research was conducted in Asia and comprised cross-sectional designs. Only one prospective study was identified. Tчланови су испунили постављене критеријуме укључивања и искључивања; КСНУМКС% је пријавило значајне корелације ПИУ са депресијом, КСНУМКС% са анксиозношћу, КСНУМКС% са симптомима АДХД, КСНУМКС% са опсесивно-компулзивним симптомима, и КСНУМКС% са непријатељством / агресијом. Ниједна студија није показала повезаност између ПИУ и социјалне фобије.

Већина студија је показала већу стопу ПИУ код мушкараца него код жена. The relative risks ranged from an OR of 1.02 to an OR of 11.66. The strongest correlations were observed between PIU and depression; the weakest was hostility/aggression.


Депресија и симптоми АДХД-а су имали најзначајнију и досљеднију корелацију са ПИУ. Удружења су била већа међу мушкарцима у свим старосним групама. Limitations included heterogeneity in the definition and diagnosis of PIU. More studies with prospective designs in Western countries are critically needed.

Цопиригхт © КСНУМКС С. Каргер АГ, Базел.