Età 38 - Questa hè stata a cosa migliore chì aghju mai fattu per a mo relazione. È vedu tanti benefici persunali.


Wow, yesterday was day 100 without looking at porn!!! TBH I did briefly look at P subs a few times and had some fantasy, but I’m calling this a huge victory for me! 100 days without porn!!! I’m feeling like I’ve really turned a corner in my thinking, and while I don’t feel completely free from the dangers of PMO, I do feel that I’m in a much better place than I’ve ever been. FU Porn. I win. You suck…lol. Woah!!!

This has been the best thing I’ve ever done for my relationship. And I’m seeing so many personal benefits to my mood, attitude, energy level and motivation. I’m thinking clearer and just generally feeling better.

I’m never going back to that life, it’s not worth it.

LINK - 100 ghjorni Porn Free

by Carbon Icon