Età 22 - Suffertu da feticci strani è PIED: NoFap hà salvatu a mo vita sessuale è a vita in generale.

I did it boys! 90 Days Down and the rest of my life to go! I used to be severely addicted to porn and masturbation for 10 years I started when I was 12 and I’m 22 now. Suffered from weird fetishes and PIED and couldn’t sustain an erection with women sometimes and when I did get erect, I would try to cum fast so I wouldn’t lose it.

Really bad stuff, but as someone who has addictive tendencies and struggles to do things in moderation, if I can do it you guys can too!

NoFap has saved my sex life and life in general.

LINK - Ghjornu di 90!

by Justin2724