Prestendu i propietari affettivi di l'intru-nucleiu accumbens injections of testosterone. (1997)

Behav Neurosci. 1997 Feb;111(1):219-24.


Dipartimentu di Psicologia, Università di New Orleans, Louisiana 70148, USA. [email prutettu]


On alternating days, adult male Long-Evans rats implanted with bilateral cannulas in the nucleus accumbens received intracerebral injections of ne in a water-soluble cyclodextrin inclusion complex (0.125, 0.25, or 0.5 microg/0.5 microl saline) or saline immediately prior to being confined for 30 min to 1 of 2 compartments of a place-preference apparatus. All rats received 8 days of pairings (4 hormone and 4 saline). On Day 9 the rats were given a 20-min test session during which they had access to all compartments of the apparatus. No hormone was injected prior to the test session. On the test day, rats spent significantly more time in the compartment previously paired with bilateral intra-accumbens injections of ne (0.25 and 0.5 microg/0.5 microl saline) than in the compartment previously paired with saline injections. The findings indicate that intra-accumbens injections of ne are sufficient to produce reward.

[PubMed - indiziatu per MEDLINE]