Caratteristiche neurofisiologiche è clinico-biologiche di l'addiccioni à l'internet (2019)

Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im SS Korsakova. 2019;119(12):51-56. doi: 10.17116/jnevro201911912151.

[Articulu in russu; Astrattu dispunibule in Russu da l'editore]

Sorokina ND1, Pertsov SS2, Selitsky GV1, Tsagashek AV1, Zherdeva AS1.


in inglese, russo


To analyse neurophysiological and some physiological characteristics of people with Internet addiction.


Two groups of subjects were studied: with Internet-addiction lasted no more than two years and the control group. Spectral-correlation parameters of EEG, functional asymmetry of EEG parameters, and heart rate variability were recorded. The comparison was performed in three states: eyes-closed, eyes-open conditions and after a 15-minute Internet session.


The shift in the balance of the regulation of the heart rate towards the predominance of the sympathetic nervous system is accompanied by a functional state of increased activation, anxiety as indicated by the parameters of the electric activity of the brain and the shift in the functional asymmetry of the brain in the spectral power of the fast EEG rhythms in the right hemisphere.

KEYWORDS: EEG; EEG spectral analysis; Internet addiction; heart rate variability

PMID: 31994514

DOI: 10.17116 / jnevro201911912151