Prevalenza di u utilizatori problemàticu d'Internet in Slovenia (2016)

Zdr Varst. 2016 May 10;55(3):202-211. eCollection 2016.

Macur M1, Király O2, Maraz A3, Nagygyörgy K3, Demetrovics Z2.



Internet use is an integral part of our everyday activities; however, Internet use may become problematic and harmful in a minority of cases. The majority of reported prevalence rates of problematic Internet use refer to adolescent samples, whereas epidemiological studies on representative adult populations are lacking. This study aimed to reveal the prevalence and characteristics of problematic Internet use in Slovenia.


U Questionariu à l'Utilizzo d'Internet problematicu (PIUQ) hè statu annantu à u Studiu d'Entervista d'Europa in Salute (EHIS) annantu à un campione repubblicuu rispettu. A frequenza di l'usu d'Internet è di l'usu problematicu di l'Internet sòranu amparati.


59.9% of Slovenian adult population uses the Internet daily, and 3.1% are at risk of becoming problematic Internet users, 11% in the age group from 20 to 24 years. Those being at risk for becoming problematic Internet users are younger (mean age 31.3 vs. 48.3 for non-problematic users), more likely to be males (3.6% of males, whereas 2.6% of females are affected), students (12.0%), unemployed (6.3%) or unable to work (8.7%), single (6.5%), with high education (4.5%). Regression analysis revealed that the strongest predictor of being at risk for problematic Internet use is age (ß=-0.338, p<0.001); followed by high educational level (ß=0.145; p<0.001) and student status (ß=0.136; p<0.001).


3.1% di a populazione adulta slovena sò in risicu di diventà utrinu di l'Internet problematichi, mentre 3 in 20 adolescenti sloveni di 18 à 19 anni sò in periculu (14.6%). I prugrammi di prevenzione è u curamentu per quelli affetti sò primordiali, in particulare per a ghjovana generazione.


Internet addiction; assessment; behavioural addiction; epidemiology; prevalence; problematic Internet use

PMID: 27703540

DOI: 10.1515/sjph-2016-0026