Tausaga 26 - Ou te talitonu o le mamafa PMO amio masani e te le mafaia ai faʻafesoʻotaʻiga

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Why do I say this? Because ever since I started PMO-ing heavily, I haven’t been able to have relationships. I could only interact with people that I had a relationship with prior to PMO. I did manage to get 2 girlfriends but both dumped me within 3 weeks because I was a good boyfriend but then randomly I would become like the ice-man. They couldn’t trust me!

Now that I haven’t masturbated in 33 days, I am full of affection for pretty much everyone I talk to, unless they remind me of bad days. But I’m not great at showing that affection because I’ve lived like the ice-man for so many years. But the things they do and say stir me at my core, like back in the old days. My mind is primed for relationships once again, especially longing for a woman, now all I gotta do is figure out how to get the ice-man’s influence out of my head. Fuckin goddamn porn and chronic masturbation nearly killed me!

LINK - In convinced that a heavy PMO habit literally makes you incapable of relationships

by gallagher222


A FEW DAYS EARLIER – E valea a le faʻaaogaina o le porn e le i luga o le radar o le tele o tatou matua

I’ve been a chronic masturbator since my teens. I didnt see a hell of a lot of porn in high school due to having to use the family computer but I saw my fair share, being sneaky and fapping later to the images burned into my brain. But once I got out of high school and had my own laptop I went nuts.

Hours and hours of porn everyday and my twice a day masturbation habit exploded to five times a day. I chose to live by myself and masturbate and smoke weed as much as possible. Obviously my mental health deteriorated tremendously. Later I moved back into my parents house but didn’t let that stop me from being on my laptop for porn as much as possible. My parents were on my case all the time for being unproductive. But they literally thought I was just lying in my bed watching YouTube videos and such. Porn was not on their radar at all.

Talu ona ou mauaina nofap ua ou tuʻua le totogia ma le porn ma lagona sili sili atu ona lelei na ou taʻuina i le toetoe lava o tagata uma ou te iloa e uiga i loʻu faʻaaloalo masani ma le faʻaaogaina o le porn ma le auala na ou faʻamutaina ai. Faʻaofia ai ma oʻu matua. Sa ou faapea lava na latou iloa sa fai ma aʻu vaisu i le porn ma na ou le manao e faailoa atu. Ae aliali mai sa leai so latou manatu! E pei latou te le malamalama i se amioga masani i le porn aua na latou tutupu aʻe aunoa ma se porn. Latou te leʻi fesoʻotaʻi lava togitogi ma naʻo le manatu o aʻu sa ou paie. Sa ou le paie, sa ou fai ma vaisu ma o loʻu faiʻai na amata mai i le faifai soo.

Talu ona ou tuʻua le porn ma MO, ua leai soʻu manaʻo e na o le pepelo e pei ona ou masani ai. Semanu ou te le faia lena mea pe ana leai le porn. Sa talanoa loʻu tina e uiga i le tama a lana uo ua 29 ona tausaga ma e leai se mea na te faia i lona olaga, o loʻo nofo pea i le fale ma alu le po atoa i luga o le computer. Ma le isi, o ona matua e leai se fesoʻotaʻiga i le faʻaaogaina o le porn, ua na ona latou manatu o ia e paie ma faʻamau i le komipiuta. Na pei aʻu "talofa ?! O le porn !!!! ” ma o loʻu tina na pei o le "moni? E te manatu? ”

I se faapuupuuga, o le tele o augatupulaga matutua e leai se manatu po o le a lava le amio masani a porn / vaisu. O a latou fanau ua fai ma vaisu ma e leai se manatu o matua ona e le mafai ona afifi o latou ulu i lenei atoa mea porn. Latou te le o faʻafitia, latou te matua le mafaufau lava i ai. Pau lava latou e malamalama o i latou ma porn faʻaaogaina poto masani ma e seasea maua i le matutua augatupulaga. Atonu na latou faʻatauina le paʻu laititi i tua i le aso ae leai se mea e faʻatusatusa i le galaxy o porn o loʻo matamata ai a latou fanau, masalo o aso uma. Faʻanoanoa aua e tele matua le fiafia matua i fafo o iina na o le le mautonu o latou atalii le aoga. Afai latou te malamalama i le anatomy o se amioga masani i le porn o le a matua sefe ai le tele o aiga i le tele o faʻanoanoa.

by gallagher222