E taua tele le vaʻavaʻai i le va o le faʻalauteleina ma le maʻoti o vaisu i Initaneti? Molimau mai se suʻesuʻega faʻa-aganuu mai Siamani, Suetena, Taiuani ma Saina.

Asia Pac Psychiatry. 2014 Feb 26. doi: 10.1111 / appy.12122.

Montag C1, Bey K, Sha P, Li M, Chen YF, Liu WY, Zhu YK, Li CB, Markett S, Keiper J, Reuter M.

lē faʻatino


Ua maitauina e lua ituaiga o vaisu Initaneti o iai. O iinei, o faʻamatalaga lautele ole Initaneti e faatatau i le faʻafitauli faʻaaogaina o le Initaneti o loʻo ufiufi ai le tele o gaoioiga e fesoʻotai i Initaneti. I le eseesega, o ituaiga faapitoa o le tagofia o le Initaneti ua taulai atu i le faʻalavelave faʻaaogaina o vaʻaiaiga i luga o le initaneti e pei o le tele o taaloga i luga o le initaneti poʻo gaoioiga i fesoʻotaʻiga lautele.


The present study investigates the relationship between generalized and specific Internet addiction in a cross-cultural study encompassing data from China, Taiwan, Sweden and Germany in n = 636 participants. In this study, we assessed – besides generalized Internet addiction – addictive behavior in the domains of online video gaming, online shopping, online social networks and online pornography.


The results confirm the existence of distinct forms of specific Internet addiction. One exception, however, was established in five of the six samples under investigation: online social network addiction correlates in large amounts with generalized Internet addiction.


In general, it is of importance to distinguish between generalized and specific Internet addiction.


China, Germany, Sweden, Taiwan, generalized and specific Internet addiction