Faʻasalaga faʻasalalauga tuusao faʻatasi mo tagata taʻavale i luga o le initaneti: O se suʻesuʻega faʻapitoa mo le nofo toʻatasi (2018)

J Behav Addict. 2018 Nov 12: 1-5. Pule: 10.1556 / 2006.7.2018.107.

Lee SH1, Im JJ2, Oh JK2, Choi EK2, Yoon S3, Bikson M4, Song IU5, Jeong H2, Chung YA2.

lē faʻatino


O le fa'aaogaina tele o ta'aloga i luga ole laiga e mafai ona i ai ni a'afiaga leaga ile soifua maloloina ole mafaufau ma le fa'atinoina o galuega i aso uma. E ui lava na suʻesuʻeina aʻafiaga o le transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) mo le togafitia o mea ua fai ma vaisu, e leʻi iloiloina mo le faʻaogaina tele o taaloga i luga ole laiga. O lenei suʻesuʻega e faʻatatau i le suʻesuʻeina o le mafai ma le gafatia o le tDCS i luga o le dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) i luga o le initaneti.


O le aofaʻi o 15 tagata taaalo i luga ole laiga na maua 12 tDCS faʻamalosi i luga ole DLPFC (anodal agavale / cathodal taumatau, 2 mA mo 30 min, 3 taimi i le vaiaso mo 4 vaiaso). A'o le'i faia ma ina ua mae'a vasega tDCS, sa faia uma tagata auai 18F-fluoro-2-deoxyglucose positron emission tomography suʻesuʻe ma faʻamaeʻaina le Suʻega o le Initaneti (IAT), Faʻataʻitaʻiga Puʻupuʻu Pulea (BSCS), ma Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II).


After tDCS sessions, weekly hours spent on games (p = .02) and scores of IAT (p < .001) and BDI-II (p = .01) were decreased, whereas BSCS score was increased (p = .01). Increases in self-control were associated with decreases in both addiction severity (p = .002) and time spent on games (p = .02). Moreover, abnormal right-greater-than-left asymmetry of regional cerebral glucose metabolism in the DLPFC was partially alleviated (p = .04).


Our preliminary results suggest that tDCS may be useful for reducing online game use by improving interhemispheric balance of glucose metabolism in the DLPFC and enhancing self-control. Larger sham-controlled studies with longer follow-up period are warranted to validate the efficacy of tDCS in gamers.

FUAFUAGA: dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; online game; positron emission tomography; regional cerebral metabolic rate of glucose; self-control; transcranial direct current stimulation

PMID: 30418077

FAIA: 10.1556/2006.7.2018.107