Feusuaʻiga Feusuaʻiga Faʻaititia le Talitonuga Faʻavalea Androgen Receptor Immunityactivity (2003)

Comments: Testosterone levels did not vary with one copulation or with copulation to sexual exhaustion. Ejaculation to exhaustion is faʻamaonia to a drop in brain androgen receptors.

Fernandez-Guasti A, Swaab D, Rodriguez-Manzo G.

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2003 May;28(4):501-12.

Matagaluega o Pharmacobiology, CINVESTAV, Calz. le le Tenorios 235, Col. Granjas Coapa, Mexico 14330 D.F., Mexico. jfernand@mail.cinvestav.mx


Male sexual behavior is regulated by limbic areas like the medial preoptic nucleus (MPN), the bed nucleus of the stria finalis (BST), the nucleus accumbens (nAcc) ma le ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (VMN). Neurons i nei vaega o faiʻai e mauʻoa i ANDROGEN RECEPTORS (AR) and express FOS-immunoreactivity in response to mating. I le tele o ituaiga o feusuaʻiga tau feusuaʻiga, o se tulaga o le faʻaleagaina o amioga tau feusuaʻiga, e maua pe a maeʻa faʻalavelave. O auala e mafua ai lagona feusuaʻiga e tele lava ina le iloa. I lenei suʻesuʻega we show that sexual activity reduces androgen receptor immunoreactivity (ANDROGEN RECEPTORS –ir) in some of the brain areas associated with the control of male sexual behavior, but not in others. Thus, one ejaculation reduced the AR-ir in the MPN and nAcc, but not in the BST and VMN. Copulation to satiation, on the other hand, reduced AR-ir in the MPN, nAcc and VMN, and not in the BST. The AR-ir reduction observed in the MPN of sexually satiated rats was drastic when compared to that of animals ejaculating once.

O le maualuga o le toto o le sysoma e leʻi fesuisuiaʻi pe a mavae le tasi o le ejaculation po o le faʻamalosi i le vaivai. O nei faʻamatalaga e faʻaalia ai o le gaioiga faʻafeusuai e faʻaitiitia ai ANDROGEN RECEPTORS i vaega patino o faiʻai ma fautuaina ai le ono mafai e se faʻaitiitiga ona taʻusalaina le faʻafefe o feusuaiga lea e faʻaalia ai le nofo filemu.