Компулзивно понашање и опсесивно-компулзивни поремећај (ОЦД): недостатак односа између ОЦД-а, поремећаја у исхрани и коцкања (КСНУМКС)

Цомпр Псицхиатри. 1994 Mar-Apr;35(2):145-8.

Блацк ДВ, Goldstein RB, Noyes R Jr, Blum N.


Department of Psychiatry, University of Iowa College of Medicine, Iowa City.


The lifetime prevalence of eating disorders and pathologic gambling was assessed in first-degree relatives of subjects with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and well controls. There were no significant differences between the groups. The authors conclude that eating disorder and pathologic gambling have no familial relationship to OCD.