Age 32 – Severe PIED for 12 years, recovery is possible! Spread the word

Thank you so much, Gabe! Thanks to the information you, Gary Wilson, Noah Church, and Matt Fradd provided, I was able to beat my PMO addiction and I am now more than 8 months clean. I haven’t masturbated or watched porn ever since. Therefore, I was able to recover from having severe PIED for ~12 years. I’m 32 years old and only now managed to develop a healthy sex life and a healthy sexuality! I owe you guys my life! To everyone reading: Recovering from PMO addiction and PIED is possible. Also, please try to spread the word. Tell your friends, tell your brother(s), tell anyone who you suspect could benefit from the information about the harms of internet porn. It might save somebody’s life. Literally! Thanks!

LINK – Porn Gave Me a Limp Noodle – Why I Told The World

By – Pete McVries