Is Porn Addiction the “New Normal?”

Judging by the statistics, internet pornography addiction is at least becoming the norm if not the normal.  One question that arises is how we as a society should respond to this phenomenon and why.

23 million porn addicts in the U.S., and that’s just the adults

The article “Pornography: ‘Everybody’s Watching it, Statistics Say” states that 30 percent of all web traffic is porn and that porn sites attract the greatest volume of web traffic.

According to the article “Internet Pornography Statistics”

“A total of 40 million U.S. adults regularly visit pornography websites.  Ten percent of adults admit to an internet sexual addiction (my italics) and 20 percent of men say they access pornography at work.”

If 10% of adults are internet porn addicts and there are roughly 232 million adults in the U.S., then there are 23 million internet porn addicts in the U.S.  And this doesn’t count the underage porn users who are watching internet porn in increasing numbers.

The analogy with drugs …

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