Porn impotence (Swedish) Göran Sedvallson.


Adult Depending makes male impotent

Posted Tuesday, May 14, 2013

listen to the sexologist: “Sex with partner means greater demands”

More and more men in Blekinge seeking help for his porn addiction. The past five years have sexology clinic in Blekinge received more and more men stuck in front of pornography on the Internet and are no longer attracted by sex with partern.

Simply stated, there are two categories of men seeking help for his porn addiction. It says Göran Sedvallson, doctors at the County Council sexological reception.

On the one hand, he explains, it is men living in a relationship that will be damaged by addiction.

– The man is not as interested in sex with their partner, without masturbating just to porn, he says.

“Adult Impotence”

This condition, called for porn impotence, or with another term male malaise.

– When you are surfing porn, it’s very simple. You have control over your computer and your own body. Will you then be with a partner so down the other requirements that inhibit explains Göran Sedvallson.

 In cases where the man has a partner, there is often feelings of inadequacy, which the partner almost feel deceived.

– You think more about where the computer than me, is a common sense, says G Sedvall says.

8-10 hours per day

Then there are men without partners who spend so many hours in front of porn on your computer. It can be about 8-10 hours, alongside a job.

– It becomes like a drug that can be likened to an alcohol addiction, says Göran Sedvallson.

Why do men then do not break the pattern itself? Often porn use an anxiolytic effect, just like drugs or alcohol, says Göran Sedvallson. In addition, the availability of porn on the net a villain.

– A few clicks so you are inside the pages, he says.