Salvaging sex life from erectile dysfunction, Dalal Akoury MD (2016)

Salvaging sex life from erectile dysfunction (December 9, 2016 by carrenak)

Salvaging sex life from erectile dysfunction will not work by watching pornographic literature

This may sound like anti-onanistic propaganda, nonetheless, medical professionals say that masturbating too much is actually a pretty standard form of addiction, which is worsened by pornography. Watching porn creates a huge flood of dopamine in the brain. Over time, the receptors that were once very sensitive become less sensitive, and normal physical intimacy does not produce enough dopamine to stimulate the dopamine receptors. In other words, the more porn you watch, the harder and more graphic porn you’ll need in order to get firmer erection. If the trend continues, men can find themselves physically unable to maintain an erection, much less enjoy sexual contact with their partners and that is why salvaging sex life from erectile dysfunction in this manner becomes necessary.

Experts from AWAREmed Health and Wellness Resource Center under the leadership of doctor Dalal Akoury reiterates that, besides all this, it is important to note that, porn-induced ED can create further performance-anxiety concerns, compounding into a problem that is both biological and psychological which may necessitate an individuals to start developing real self-confidence issues like feeling irritable, sleeplessness, frustration and anxiousness. This can occasioned one to lose a relationship quite easily because there is no specific number that indicates that one is masturbating too frequently.

The good news is that masturbation as an element that can cause erectile dysfunction is treatable at AWAREmed Health and Wellness Resource Center. Professionally, doctor Akoury is registering that, most men often experience flat line libido which may last for several weeks depending on the sensitivity of addiction. However the effect should not raise any alarm since it is temporal and will eventually go away. And because this is treatable, calling doctor Akoury for help, will be very ideal for the commencement of your recovery process.

When one becomes addicted to sex, there is a problem because sex is supposed to be enjoyable and pleasurable to all participating parties. Addicts do not actually enjoy sex and therefore, if you are seeing any or all of the following behaviors in your life, then you need to seek for help from the experts and doctor Akoury who besides being a sexual dysfunction expert, is also an addiction expert and she will help you overcome your twin problems of ED and addiction respectively. The following are some of the behaviors that may be associated with sexual addiction which should concern you;

  • Compulsive masturbation
  • Simultaneous or repeated sequential affairs
  • Pornography
  • Cybersex, phone sex
  • Multiple anonymous partners
  • Unsafe sexual activity
  • Partner objectification/demand for sex
  • Strip clubs and adult bookstores
  • Use of prostitution/escorts
  • Sexual aversion/anorexia
  • Frequenting massage parlors
  • Sexual paraphilia’s (a need for unusual sexual stimulation) and/or any sexually offensive behavior

Finally, having gone through this article, you can now to tell whether you’re addicted to sex or have a problem with masturbation which is causing you erection problems and distorting your sex life. If this article has pointed out this condition in your life, I want to encourage you to seek for treatment professionally by calling doctor Akoury to book for an appointment today.