100 days: Look much younger, Increased Energy & Focus, More manly & assertive, Much more caring – especially to wife, Man boobs gone


101 days NoFap 100 day no porn – Good things from NoFap

  1. Man boobs gone
  2. I look much younger than I am. A few people said you can’t be our age or they say you’re not old enough to have 18 yr old.
  3. Lots of quality time holding hands with my wife and working out at the gym
  4. Focus is much better
  5. Love handles almost gone
  6. More manly & assertive taking charge in social situations with my wife.
  7. Increased energy I have the feeling I am going to jump out of my skin.
  8. Full erection in the morning something I have never been able to achieve in 20 plus yrs in marriage.
  9. Maintaining eye contact with people is not a problem
  10. Much more caring
  11. Connecting with people on an emotional level. This one is good but makes my skin crawl lol

It is good to hear other people’s stories. I hope this partial success will help encourage others.

LINK – Growing Emotionally is not easy by any stretch of imagination

by Sruff


UPDATE – Feeling like stallion

100 plus days fap and porn free. I’ve replaced faping with exercise and in those 100 plus day I transformed my body. So I showered up put some lotion & Cologne on before my wife got home. I felt real confident. My wife actually conversed with me. We just went to bed a moment ago I asked her if we could have sex she said no. Ok I thought I was going to throw a shit fit but to my surprise I didn’t I was content just cuddling with her.

My old self would have said freaking gross cuddling, but I didn’t it was better than having sex. I am really changing this no porn and NoFap really works! 90 days I was mess probably because I had sex with my wife around 20 times lol during my 100 days NoFap no porn. But I wouldn’t change that because I learned that I can get a full erection in the morning and wasn’t about to give up sex with my wife since sex is one of the main bonds between her and I .

Good night and foker out …