90 days – Feeling happiness again, Less moody, Controlling weight, But most of all at peace with myself.


Back where I knew I could be.

  • Feeling happiness again.
  • Controlling weight.
  • Less moody.
  • But most of all at peace with myself.

This is something I never predicted. It seemed my PMO obsession robbed me of he ability to like myself. I was wracked with guilt and shame and feelings of inadequacy.

About 60 days in to this streak I started to notice clearly that I was less anxious about what I “Should” be and more about just “be”.

It’s a very welcoming feeling of peace.

I wish you and I all the best.

LINK – 90 days. Back in the zone.

by zippytime


INITIAL POST – Gonna be a new me.

Hi all.

UK male here who has been into porn and masturbation since I was 10.

I was a late developer and was paranoid that I wouldn’t be able to jizz. This started the masturbation. Coupled this with a frenzied obsession with any images I could find of women and the whole thing has pretty much dominated my life. I can go a few days at a time without anything but then binge. And I suffer with mood swings self loathing and low mood.

I have a long term girlfriend and it has affected my feelings towards her. And as I historicity use porn and literature to aid sleep have been rubbing one out in bed once she drifts off.

Last year I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety and have started looking into possible cures. Today i stumbled across a ted talk of.your brain on porn and a light bulb switched on. I have a problem with porn. And there is a sollution.

Wish me luck guys.

Oh and is there a guide to the abbreviations? PMO? MO?