Age 17 – Delayed ejaculation healed. Sex feels much better


So the reason why I started: I’ve always tried to stop masturbating. For many reasons. The main reason was that I could not cum for the life of me when I was with my girlfriend. If I got lucky, I would cum during intercourse but it was a rare occasion, getting rarer. Don’t get me wrong, everything felt great, buy just couldn’t get me there.

It really started to scare me when my girlfriend would give me head or a handjob and I would start to go soft. And I’m only 17!

As you could imagine, this really upset her and she thought she was doing it wrong and I kept telling her idk what was wrong but it was definitely me because everything felt great. I am with this girl for 2 years and counting now and we could never get me to finish, except for sex sometimes. I even had trouble finishing myself off with her lying naked next to me.

So months pass and I find NoFap. I have always read online that jerking it can be bad for my situation. They also blame penis circumcisions but I wasn’t buying it. I tried NoFap for about 3 days and then thought “fuck it, just a bunch of weirdos going all monk, it doesn’t mean anything, everyone jerks it”. I was so wrong to think this. I was desperate so I tried again about a month later. I got to a week. I noticed the changes. Not so much with my social life as I’ve always been a social person and great with girls, but with my erections when I was with my girlfriend. Everything was harder, everything started to feel better and after that I was sold. After a week of NoFap , I relapsed. Keep in mind I used to PMO every single day as if on routine. This time though, I was smarter about it. I did not want to lose the sensitivity I gained back and did not want to return to the death grip so I lotioned it up and did not watch porn this time. I came in about 1 min. I was shocked.

It was after this that I knew this would solve my problem. I’ve been going 20 days strong now with almost no urges. Had one around the week mark but since then, I don’t even want to anymore.

The biggest success was my girlfriend can get me to cum now, no problem whatsoever. She got me to cum in her mouth after two years of trying. It was a great experience for us because I know she was waiting for it and so was I. and it only took a couple mins of light action, nothing intense like it used to take.

I feel closer to her now. I feel like making her the only one who can make me orgasm will only build our relationship further and connect us on a deeper level.](/nsfw)

I just wanted to share this for people doing this for the same reason I am. Trust me it’s worth it, and it will work for you, even if not as fast as it worked for me. Thank you all for helping me improves things with my girlfriend, and making my life a lot better in general. Keep at it everyone!

LINK – NoFap success !

by nofap4thewin04