Age 22 – Porn-induced ED cured: We had sex 7 times in one night! I was so amazed.

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The last girl I got with, my penis wouldn’t work for sh*t, no matter how hard I tried. I could never have sex six months ago. I got a girlfriend a little over two weeks ago not sure if it would end because of my limp man parts once it came to intercourse. However I had hope.

I started NoFap Hard Mode 2 months ago today and also that was when I started doing kegels, which are supposed to give you stronger erections in time. I definitely advise you to do kegels during nofap to maximize your progress. Anyway, this girl I really like, more than I’ve ever liked anyone in the space of time I’ve spent with her. Not only that, but she likes me the same if not more. It’s going so well for us. However, always at the back of my mind was the thought of the limp guy not working with this girl and ruining it.

So we attempted sex for the first time yesterday, you will love this. We had sex 7 times in one night! I was so amazed. I was working so I just wanted to do it all night. The moment in the middle of the night and you both can’t sleep, so you do some smooching and go into sex is so good.

Believe in yourself as much as possible, tell yourself you will get hard and you will have the best sex in your life with this girl because you have a real connection. This helped me a lot. Just believe that you will surpass it.

I will just say now, I will never watch porn ever again, the thing is pure evil! This is a new lifestyle change.

Please AMA, I want to answer any questions you have.


by GreatWhitePickle



Many positive effects actually. Deeper voice, I think that comes with more confidence.

I’ve also heavily been listening to motivational speeches, this could help with your self confidence and belief which i definitely think everyone should do.

Thicker darker hair, which is strange, like a lot darker.

I can speak to girls with ease, like i don’t have them on a pedastal anymore, they see me much more attractive.

Tbh I couldn’t really say what i felt after 2 weeks as I just can’t remember, but along the way i just remember being able to get morning wood easier. I think about sex a lot less filthy now I think, when I see a girl now it’s like whoa she’s really pretty and not what I would like to do to her.

You know what? I never had hard days, because I always said to myself I can’t wait to be having sex again, this is easy for me I can do anything, I won’t touch myself or expose myself to porn again. Just having a vision of great sex with someone you will be in love with and you will see just positive good things and truly believe you will beat it and change your lifestyle.

Look in the mirror and say “I’m the best, I’m gonna beat this easy, I’m gonna be having great sex, in going to be the best version of myself anybody’s ever seen.”

Never doubt yourself. I never doubted this time really that my man parts wouldn’t work, I thought about it, but after I said to myself no way, it’s gonna work. I believe it will. I know it will.