Age 23 – Delayed ejaculation healed: For the first time in my life I finished inside a vagina

You might have seen some of my posts regarding my DE problem. DE is why I started NoFap several months ago now. I can honestly say NoFap has saved me. I’m finally (nearly) there, to recovery I mean.

As i stated in a post a couple of weeks ago, I had Intercourse with a girl and couldn’t finish even after 130 days of NoFap. However i did EDGE several times during that period. BUT i started a new counter for no EDGING.

Anyways, I met the same girl last night and for the first time in my entire life I finished inside the girls Vagina. I have NEVER felt so powerful in my entire life at the time of me finishing. I’ve NEVER been able to, and I’ve had my fair share of sexual encounters.

There was a time when I was blaming my DE on being drunk, however last night I had a nice amount of beer and vodka and was pretty much nearly drunk and STILL finished. Now I know I’m still recovering and I shouldn’t get to confidant as I could get DE again……I’m just gonna keep focused.

Anyone out there suffering from DE – You’ll be fine, Just Quit P and quit Edging! Its no good for you, fuck the urges, fight the urges! Its filth! Save your energy for the real thing as you will enjoy that 1 million times better than a pixel on a computer!

I can’t wait to see what happens next.

Any replies will be much appreciated

Thank you!

One Love

LINK – Finally SUCCESS with DE Problem………(I feel great, read for some inspiration)

BY – Lakekid

INITIAL POST – Decieded to do NoFap out of NOWHERE!

Hi everyone….

I’ve been fapping for around 10 years now (I’m now 23). As soon as my parents bought a computer with internet i found out about porn and went online daily! I didn’t see this as a problem!

As I’ve got older I now work so don’t have much time to fap anymore but normally without fail do Sunday evenings. Normally when I’m Hungover LOL. i don’t know why but when I’m hungover I have more of an urge to fap!

Anyway, I started to notice that during sex I can’t seem to ejaculate. Now I’m not sure whether it was because i was intoxicated with alcohol or not or the simple fact of my excessive fapping over the years. So that’s the reason why I’ve decided to give NoFap a shot! Just wanted to ask you guys if once a week on a Sunday is bad and cause for concern. The porn is defiantly going out the window. I want Kids in the near future so this problem with ejaculation has got to stop. I’m hoping that with a complete detox I can ejaculate properly.

Any replies would be very much appreciated! And good luck to EVERYONE!
