Age 25 – My interest in porn is dropping, started martial arts, cooking healthy food


in my country we haven’t got too many information about that addiction. Most people think it is normal. So let’s begin. Right now, I’m 25. I don’t remember, when I’m started watch porn. Anyway, I think that it was like most people, about age 13 I guess? Obviously, I didn’t think about this subject in problem category. I thought – ‘everyone doing that, so come on’.

First mind about quit porn was 7 years ago, but it was too weak. Because I read many websites with ‘That is healthy, normal’.

Then I found reddit and it dawned on me! I read success stories and in ‘before section’ I read about myself! Wow, I’ve got the same shit! Finally, I found people who think exactly the same as my hidden mind in my brain. Anyway, at the beginning I had got 7-14 days without PMO maximum and… porn was more excited after that days, so I was still in addiction. Slowly, slowly I came back to old masturbation, so I didn’t do progress. Then I thought – ‘okay, so do that as many possible to associate porn and masturbation with sad’. I did. And 50 days ago (12 January) was my last one. I promised to myself that it was last time and the target is – one year and to be honest, I’m very confident that I will do this. Let’s start to explain what happened in my brain next days…

0-14 days It was ridicoulus time! I’ve got many situations, when I sat next to the PC, surfing internet and then I’ve got mind ‘In that time, you will usually watch porn’. I felt that my brain had got paralysis, really! In that case, I escaped to play video games. I didn’t meet friends because I didn’t feel normal.

15-30 days I felt decrease interesing porn. The mind that I’m clean was amazing. Increased interesing about mixed martial arts which resulted start training MMA two days per week. I was more socialize. I felt that I’m talking in another way with people. More confident, cleary mind… but still I did procrastination. Then, I started to read a books. I’ve done self-examination. But still I needed something…

30-35 days Do you remember video games? Yes, it is good way to forget porn, I agree. Anyway I caught myself that it is waste time! Let me explain. For example I had got target – today I will wash a car. I planned to do this in next few hours. Then I saw that my friend from the games is online, so rest of the day I played a video game. I watched many youtube videos of that games, when I was after work I thought about my level up in this game. Then I promised again – okay, maybe it is not big deal like PMO, but you cannot play everyday and you cannot surfing internet (mean trash sites) as well! So I started to play only at the weekend, maximum about 2-3 hours and it tastes much better!

35-50 days I woke up. I’ve got many free time! And it is fantastic that I invest this time to be more productive. That is combo! My MMA trainings are more conscientious and I started gym as well! But it was still too less. So I started to cooking healthy. My new gift after hard day is reading a book. I feeling natural power. No any excuse! I can’t imagine that I will comeback to porn addiction, there is no any reason. I don’t think about relapse, because actually it is my personal record and it will be difficult to start again. It is like I don’t know… starting smoke tobacco after age 18?

Right now – I’ve got just problem with meeting with a girls. That is effect from the last years, anyway I fell that I’m closer to handle this subject… so… Second part will happen I guess!

And honestly… thank you everyone to invest time to build this community. It is amazing. Thank you.

LINK – Target? One year. Today? 50 day.

By enjoythatway