Age 33 – Couldn’t get hard even with porn

I’m 33. Benefits? My voice has dropped, I’m more socially confident, and I work out more frequently (4-5 times a week). I quit porn because I stopped getting erections altogether. Whether it be with my girlfriend or while watching porn, nothing worked. I’ve been masturbating since I was 11 but have been using internet porn since I was 19. I’ve only had one relapse over the past 15 months with P and have masturbated infrequently over the past 15 months. Maybe 30 times in total within the first year. This is my first time achieving 90 days.

I definitely feel more able to function socially. I still have these preconceived notions that I will have difficulty when I go out but as of late socializing has been more enjoyable than it’s ever been. My voice has dropped rather dramatically as well.

First time I’ve been able to get this far since starting a year ago. Now it’s time for another 90! I don’t post a lot here but I visit this page frequently and want to thank all you for sharing your stories and struggles. It’s good to know I’m not alone.

LINK – 90 days

By firesoforc



My relationship with my girlfriend is over so I don’t really have anyone to help condition me towards sexual health at the moment. I loved her but she was pretty terrible at it anyways. The one time she did try to help me rub one out she caused me to bleed.

Masturbating without porn was actually going pretty well after initially abstaining for almost 90 days late in 2015. I was allowing myself release once every two weeks and was maintaining erections during masturbation until release but that didn’t last very long. I had been masturbating pretty frequently (once every 3-4 days towards the end of the first year) so by the time I started using porn again (for only about 5 days mind you) my erections were nowhere near being as impressive as they once were. The last time I used porn was the last time I masturbated. The feeling I got from porn re-sinking it’s teeth into me really freaked me out and I swore it off right then and there.

I believe these results I’ve read about other individuals achieving will happen. I really do. I just have to acknowledge the fact that I did a lot of damage to myself in my late teens and most of my 20’s and that I’ll likely need to abstain for a solid year with or without assistance from a woman if I wish to regain function.


UPDATE – Almost 4 months with no PMO and recent benefits have been noticed

  • Confidence is very high.
  • Social life has improved and i’ve been very proactive about it.
  • Anxiety is gone.
  • My motivation has gone up but not as much as I’d like. I attribute this to watching too much TV in the evening and candida. It’s something I’m working on.
  • Respect has been gained due to my new outlook on life and positive vibe.
  • I want to connect to people more than ever. I go out of my way to say hello to people that I see in public when I used to avoid it at all costs.
  • I am not exactly Brad Pitt at the moment but girls are checking me out. I see it and can even feel it if that makes any sense.

This is all happening with limited sexual benefits. In fact I would even say that I am in a bit of a flat line right now. Haven’t had morning wood recently and definitely haven’t had any random erections but who cares? With benefits like these the inability to have a sexual relationship doesn’t really mean a thing to me.