Age 34 – Long standing PIED cured. But went back to porn and the ED came back.

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My story is quite similar. Had to take Viagra at the age of 20 but it did not improve anything. Tried it together with dopamine antagonist apomorphine (ixense) not really working. Tried almost all medical solutions. Nothing. After 2 years they said my erectile tissues are damaged and there is no hope.

At 33 I started nofap… After my first 30 days of nofap I had the first spontaneous erection. After 90 days I felt like 14 again. After 180 days I kissed my girlfriend in a very cold pool but had to stay 10 minutes after the kiss because of my boner.

After almost 300 days I had sex for the first time since I started nofap. 16 times in 24 hours.

Nofap is working. It cured me from ED. Unfortunately I was a faggot and relapsed due to stress and shit. And guess what… ED came back…

But here I am, starting again. And because I know that its working, I will never ever stop again.


BY – bodhi2303