1.5 years ago I wasn’t even getting erections with porn: I rebooted & cured my PIED. But returned to my old ways….

I don’t know where to begin Guys. Let’s go back in time to September 2017. I was depressed, out of shape, miserable. Girlfriend and I broke up. I was fapping 3 times a day even while I was with her. But when we broke up I noticed I wasn’t even getting erections with the porn I was watching. I was watching weird stuff just to get off. I’d masturbate to cope with feelings I didn’t want to feel. Anger, sadness, boredom.

I knew something had to change, so I started researching, which led to me to the discovery of noFap. I immediately started on September 24th 2017. Through many struggles and relapses I hit 40 days of no PMO. I was stoked, my PIED was cured, I noticed all the benefits, it’s all real.

Then I stopped NoFap because I thought I was cured, and I ended up right back where I was. Fast forward to 2018 and I’m on day 30 today, determined on quitting porn for good.

I feel the benefits again. I can talk to girls with no problem even being an average looking guy. Confidence is crazy. This is real. Every bit of it. The confidence, female attraction, motivation. All of it.

If a former freak like me can do noFap, so can you.

Please guys, give it all you’ve got. Porn is the devil.

LINK – My brief story

by Teejmaster