3 Years NoFap – Here’s a list of my benefits

– Concentration & being good at Math again. Memorized all the Math Formulas from School (used to be good at Math)

– Calm hands, that I am able to work with 0,001mm (0,00003937 Inch)

– Defensive & Instinctive driving. Every Passenger thinks I drive safely & didn’t get fined by Speedcams for 3 Years. Even my Reaction-Time got better, with poor driving conditions.

– Recently Joined a Shooting Club & did a Shooting challenge, with the Master. (Small Caliber Rifle on 50m (54,7 Yards)), where I shoot faster than my Master but scored 177 Points & my Master 200 Points

– I wake up before my Alarm goes on, which is: before 5:00 AM

– The Nerves to cook properly for myself (No more TV-Dinners, eating outside or Instant Noodles). + Recently I did make Pizza, with making my own Dough & make my own Ingredients. All with my own Hands & burned it under my Oven.

– I am a Father of a Big & healthy Son (Born in 2020) with 4160g & 55cm (9,1Ibs + 1,8 ft) Newborn Sizes. now he is almost 90 cm (3 ft) long which by the way: The Largest Newborn Child in my City.

And I am Happy to Share my Benefits on this Subreddit with you. Let me Know, if you have some Benefits of your life

LINK – 3 Years NoFap. Here a list of my Benefits:

by A5N13O9N19 [this user has now deleted their Reddit account]