Age 14 – 90 Days: I started enjoying life and the small happy things in it. No more “zombie mode”.


Guys, NoFap is so worth it! You know that kind of post, so let’s get right into it, shall we! The GOOD stuff that happened:

  • I’m much more confident
  • I (re)started programming
  • I started learning physics
  • I’m more social
  • I started doing 6.5 km (or more) runs nearly every day
  • I stopped putting girls on a pedestal, stopped objectifying as well
  • I’m spending a few hours every day editing
  • I started meditating
  • I started taking cold showers

But most importantly :

  • I started enjoying life and the small happy things in it. No more “zombie mode”.

The BAD stuff :

  • Wet dreams. Oh boy do I hate those.
  • Flatline for a few weeks (makes you have to rely on discipline instead of motivation)
  • Urges.

My Goals :

  • Be less socially awkward
  • Get some more (real) friends
  • Get in shape (and eat a more healthy diet)
  • Get a girlfriend
  • Help others more

Any advice?

  • Take cold showers and meditate if you didn’t already.
  • If urges come, think about tomorrow’s you. Do you want to be great? motivated? happy? If yes, you already know what you have to do.
  • If you feel like it’s too strong, you already did it for a second. So you can do it for a minute. Then an hour, then a day, a week, a month, etc. LIVE in the present and FIGHT in the present.
  • HAVE HOBBIES. The more time you spend doing something meaningful to you, the less likely you are to do something useless.
  • No matter how little you move your life, it’s already more than not trying at all. Keep trying.

Stay strong, guys (and girls), and good luck! See y’all at 120!

LINK – 90 Days hard mode!

by 60lemons