Age 16 – Autism and porn

I am 16, on longer streaks I have noticed eye contact improvement, naturally better at social situations, less anxiety, more focus, less racing thoughts, less self loathing, treating females as people instead of objects, over sensitivity to sound and touch goes down.

I become more happy with life and I have much more energy and motivation to do things. Hope this helps, good luck on you’re journey =)

I have Mild Autism (High Functioning Autism) and this is coming from research and personal experience. If you have any form of Autism stop watching porn, seriously. Now you most likely are already trying to not PMO since you’re on this subreddit but it is more important for you to understand how this effects you. Everyone here has the same negative effects of pornography but there is much more to you than them, since they’re not autistic we’ll call them neurotypicals. Porn overstimulates the brain and along with many other things causes major sensory overload. Now for a neurotypical this is bad enough but since the Autistic (atypical) brain is already overstimulated from the start, porn makes it more severe. PMO addiction almost emulates autism in the neurotypical brain since it overstimulates it close to someone with Mild Autism. Essentially PMO addiction amongst neurotypicals will bring them close to feeling what someone with Mild Autism feels like on the daily.

Now to the Autistic brain, in the case of overstimulating that brain even more than it already is. You are making you’re Autism MUCH worse. Unless you have severe Autism, in most cases any other form of Autism starts to get easier as you go into Adulthood since you’re brain becomes less stimulated than when you were a teenager. By having a PMO addiction you are keeping you’re Autistic symptoms from improving. It will keep you extremely anxious, sensitive to sound and feelings and very mentally exhausted. In fact some people have even been reported to being misdiagnosed with forms of Mild Autism because of PMO addictions since it makes neurotypicals socially awkward and anxious. Furthermore it makes you more emotionally insensitive and lacking in the frontal cortex area of the brain. So when nuerotypicals have conversations they sometimes will not have emotion on their face or words.

So I encourage everyone with Autism to try to abstain as best they can and I PROMISE you see massive improvements.

[I have been trying to quit for] around 7-8 months but I have been researching for around 2 years

LINK – Autism and Porn

By Disvoid