Age 18 – How I cured my PIED!


Results: My aggression, stamina and libido is peaking. I did cooper test and compared results with before nofap Before nofap: 2.8 km at 11.30 min After 90 days of nofap: 2.8 km at 9.45 min As for PIED it was cured at around day 86 and erections are back to rocksolid.


1.Joined nofap

2. Read inspirational posts

3. Begun 90 days of nofap

3. Stopped fantasising about sex and females (upto now)

4.Daily intense workouts

5. Changed diet

6. Avoided anything sexual (Stopped watching TV shows, female songs or anything that’s erotic) upto now.

7. Stopped gaming, watching TV shows

8. Reduced contact with females.

9. No sexual convos even better I deleted all females I had on snap, insta and Facebook, unsubscribed from the ones on YouTube.

I’m 18.

I reached a point where I would watch half the porn video forcing my willy to wake up. I would look for the perfect vid, stroke it a couple of times, try to hump my bed but it would only erect halfway. Reached a point where it even begun to shrink a little and even the thickness was slowly vanishing.

Before nofap I was basically a Horndog going after every girl but after joining nofap I pretty much saw dating as a waste of time and focus on my goals more. But whenever I get in contact with any female Im already 100% hard.

LINK – How I cured my PIED!

By thegooze27

Update – I made it

1 year ago today, i made the decision never to masturbate ever again.

  • No more acne. Improved skin complexion
  • More athletic
  • Better sleep. Feel alot more rested when i wake up in the morning
  • No more foggy brain. I reason better and up with ideas much quicker
  • More focused but easily distracted by females at times
  • Better muscle definition
  • Face looks more Masculine

Those are some of the benefits. I can go on if you still need more.