Age 21 – Stop masturbating, start living


I was addict. Porn and fapping was was basically my daily basis. I was constantly tired i at the edge of depression. I was then in a relationship but I’ve felt like it was not complete. I often felt distanced from my gf and our relationship was going bit stale, after only one year!

Last summer I’ve decided I want to go to work abroad. A friend of mine found a great job offer, and asked me If i want to go with him, so I decided to go. This was a biggest game changer in my entire life. While I was halfway through the holidays I found about nofap. I decided to try to challange myself to stop PMO for a week or two, just to check how strong my will is. I lasted up to the end of summer.

As I came back home I was more than confused of what has happened for past month. I thought that I could continue with abstaining from porn and mastrubation. By this time I read a lot about this “super saiyan” powers people were having. But none of this applied to me. Days have passed and I haven’t seen any differences, but I kept waiting. How blind I was. Today I stand proudly on 200 days of no PM, and I can tell you a lot have changed!

I don’t follow hard-mode no PMO path. I only wanted to cure myself from porn and masturbation addiction. All orgasms achieved during this period were only during intercourse with my girlfriend, and also I am aware of “chaser effect” and we have sex, mostly on special occasion, or when she initiate it. So it’s normal mode, PM-mode, call it as you like. I hope this wouldn’t undermine this achievment in your eyes.

First and most important my relationship flourished. Before it was dull and boring, and now every bit of time I spend with my girlfriend is like an adventure. We started doing a lot of new things together, (before then it was mostly netflix and chill due to me not wanting to move my ass anywhere) and I feel connected to her more than I ever was. And after a while sex become much much better 😉

Secondly, I was waiting for sudden superpowers, and none come. Well they come but I didn’t experienced them straight forward but slowly, over time. Before then I was only studying at university and I was barely passing. It felt so time consuming and tiring. As for now not only my grades at uni went up by a lot, I also managed to get half-time job, and took up few new hobbies. For saved money I also managed to buy myself a car, it’s not pretty or new but it’s mine. As for other achievments I also managed to finally gave up smoking.

To sum up this too long post I wanted to thank you guys again for your support, and sharing your stories, and I hope one day I could just delete my day tracker, and become truly free like I was never before.

Soon-to-be 22.


Stop masturbating, start living.

LINK – 200 days of freedom

By OwlyWood