Age 23 – From “porn virgin” to happy relationship

I’m a pretty quiet guy and I like to keep to myself generally, which of course there’s nothing wrong with this, but between the age of 14 and 22 I was a virgin who watched porn more often than not at least twice a day and there were times I would rather stay at home doing that than seeing actual people.

I started NoFap back in 2016 after coming across a video on YouTube of a guy talking about his experiences with it. At this point in time I was a 21 year old virgin who had only done as much as kiss a couple of girls, which I felt embarrassed and ashamed about.

The first year was rough. Relapse after relapse after relapse. Occasionally I would manage a decent streak of 30+ days, sometimes I’d only last a day, sometimes a week, it varied. The main thing during this year was that I could see the benefits, they were real and they completely changed me as a person. Yeah, I was still a pretty quiet guy, but when I was able to go longer streaks I found it easier to initiate conversation, stay energised and motivated.

Around a year after starting NoFap I met a girl at University who in my eyes was (and is, hint) the perfect girl for me. Thanks to NoFap I found the confidence to build up pretty much the strongest friendship I had ever had with a girl before. Not too long after meeting her I stopped fapping completely as it was blatantly obvious that NoFap was working and I didn’t want to screw this one up for myself.

A couple months passed and we continued to keep a strong friendship with a little bit of flirting here and there. One of the biggest changes I experience from NoFap was the way in which I looked at women, as friendly people instead of sexual objects.I guess you could say I waited a while before I made my move, but as my abstain from fapping continued I grew more and more confident in myself and finally plucked up the courage to tell her how I felt about her, and thankfully she felt the same way.

Fast forward to today and we have been in a relationship for over a year now. I lost my virginity to this amazing girl, we have travelled on holiday together and I have experienced everything that I always wished I could.

That’s around a year and a half now since I last fapped and I’m done with it forever. To anyone that’s still having troubles – The goal of NoFap isn’t to find a relationship or to find someone to get in your bed, it’s to find yourself, and enjoy life. If you do that, you can do anything.

LINK – NoFap changed my entire life and I hope this story motivates at least one of you out there too

By Morenotfue