Age 23 – Life without porn is amazing. Social anxiety is gone. Far less depression.

So I found this site early last month. I have always been looking for a reason to quit M and porn . I have always done my research online looking for proof that porn and fabbing was bad.. The result always showed me that M was normal. And it had no side effects. When I read stories of people on this site, it became clear to me tht I was an addict. I used to fab twice a day , am 23 years of age. I always felt guilt after fabing .

So I decided to stop fabing for a month to see the difference.. OMG am like a changed person, totally different.


(1) facial hair is back, my mom always told me I was hairy when I was younger.. I couldn’t understand where all the hair went to. Now my testosterone level is at an all time high.

(2) social anxiety is gone , I start up conversations with anybody I want. My confidence is back

(3) my hairline is slowly coming back.. The babyhairs are very visible.

(4) my voice is slightly deeper

(5) I wake up in the morning knowing am not some stupid looser who wanks off to videos of porn videos created by pornstars, cheap prostitute.

(6) my depression is not very severe anymore. I cannot harm myself anymore..

(7) am happy I look forward to every day.

Hope you know I have no reason to lie to you. Or anyone on this site? Don’t ask me rhetorical questions. Am sad that I wasted 8 years of my life to porn. That is it, No more!
Advice! If you keep relapsing do this— Anytime you think of fabbing.. tell yourself how useless M is , insult yourself ( inner voice) tell your mind that it has no right to tell you what to do . Take a stand.

Life without porn is amazing. I pray I never relapse.

Hopefully I stay away from porn forever . Thanks

LINK – 30 days of nofab hardcore mode/benefits

by Africanman