Age 24 – 6 months porn free helped me think clearer, helped with sex drive and relationships. Urges now rare

I started my porn free journey for multiple reasons but I would say the biggest reason was to get back to actually being turned on by real women in real sexual situations.

Let me tell you 6 months porn free has helped me think clearer, helped my foggy mind, helped with sex drive, helped with relationships and helped with a ton of other things in my life. I will reach my 1 year porn free goal! Then continue to be porn free…’s so much better without it. Keep on going everyone and use this group, everyone in it is an awesome inspiration and help!

[What’s “foggy mind”] Foggy mind in a sense where all I think about is porn and it creates a low attention span and bad listening. Now I hardly think about it I got days without it coming to mind now. It’s great!I hardly even ever have urges anymore it’s awesome !

I’m 24.

LINK – 1 Day From 6 Months Clean!!!

By kingb404

Update – 365 DAYS!

Wow! Never thought I could do it but it’s been done. A full 365 days without going to a single pornography site and faping to the porn. I feel like this an incredible accomplishment but it also feels like it was just yesterday that I was searching up porn to watch and fap to….which is crazy to me because it’s been a year. But I think that’s a way of the brain messing with you and also still the addiction being right there in the back of your mind. All I can say is stay strong people and keep telling yourself it’s not worth it every time you have an urge to grab a device or computer and search up those nasty sites.

Within this last year of being porn free I’ve been hired on full time at an awesome job/career, bought my first house and got married to the love of my life! I’ve accomplished so much! Not saying it’s because I made a decision to stop watching porn but that’s sure been a bonus on top of everything. My sex life with my wife is absolutely gotten 100x’s better and my mind is beginning to clear and not be so foggy. Keep going and stay strong everyone the grass is not greener with porn. Have a awesome Monday and week!