In the spring of 2017 I started NoFap for the first time after discovering a video about it from Seth Alexander in my recommendation list. I had never heart of it before and I am glad I found it. My addiction was pretty bad. I started watching porn when I was 13 years old and 10 years later I discovered that video. My fetishes changed over the years to some more crazy shit and I will never get those images out of my head.
Wish I could go back in time. I used to masturbate to porn atleast 2 times a day and I would mostly masturbate for more than an hour, just to find the perfect video and perfect moment to ejaculate. God even typing about it disgusts me about myself.
So the first few months I managed to get a 30 day streak at highest. I was a virgin and thanks to NoFap I got a weird feeling about myself. The urges to real women came back, but I was very insecure and absolutely TERRIBLE with girls. I had asked a girl once in my life for her number, but I didn’t have the courage to go on a date with her (afraid of failure).
I needed a change and wanted to be able to attract girls and be more comfortable around them. The most important part for me was to lose my virginity though. All my friends were always talking about girls and I got jealous and being a virgin made me very insecure. It meant so much to me. I was already 23 years old.
So when the summer started and all these beautiful girls were wearing cute outfits I was getting desperate and looked up videos on how to attract girls. I started daygaming on my own, but failed. After my failure I seeked help and found a special week bootcamp in picking up girls. It cost me quite a bit of money, but it really changed my life.
I always thought I would never be able to get a girl, but the most valuable lesson I learned in the bootcamp was that I actually could attract girls. And it was even very easy. It opened a world for me that I thought was not possible for me. I would have never done this if I hadn’t done NoFap.
Now you would think. Ah so just doing a special training in how to pick up girls and your life is changed. Well yes and no. After I did the bootcamp I was the most social, energized and happy version of myself. A couple days after the bootcamp finished I relapsed and watched porn again for two days…. I felt miserable. I lost everything I learned again just by relapsing. I was insecure, could not approach girls anymore and was quite depressed about it.
It was temporary luckily, because when I was at around 6 days of NoFap again, I regained my learned skills. Proves how much of a difference NoFap can make to someone.
I am now on a 46 day streak and I got mixed feelings. NoFap makes me emotional, but it also makes me feel so fucking great. My voice is deeper and I feel so relaxed and confident in myself, that I talk really calm and I am not stumbling in words anymore. Girls can really sense this in me. Girls are eyeballing me all the time. A couple days ago I approached a girl that was looking at me and 4 hours later we had sex. And no I am not some sort of hot male model. I haven’t cut my beard for 3 weeks and have got an absolute shit hairstyle (haven’t cut it for 3 months). I look like a younger version of Bob Ross.
Other benefits I noticed:
– Motivation to achieve things. I started competition boxing and trailrunning.
– Less brain fog, more concentration
– I laugh a lot more than before, I am really happy nowadays
– Lots of time left to do other shit that is more important lol
I think every man in the world should stop doing PMO for at least a month and experience the benefits for themselves. It is really worth it people. You really do not want to be in this porn trap for the rest of ur lives. You can do it, it is gonna be hard for a couple of weeks, but come on do you really want to stay this weak fucking pussy that only gets his joy from a fantasy? Wanking your dick in your dark room with the doors locked. I get disgusted by these thoughts everytime and I feel shit about myself how I wasted so much time in those 10 years on that crap.
My streak is not insanely high or whatever, but NoFap has triggered something in me that actually changed my life.
I really want to thank you guys for reading my story and I do really hope it gives value to someone. Stay strong and keep your heads up people
LINK – NoFap indirectly changed my life
by Roffelaar