Age 24 – PIED gone – Fuck porn for all the damage it’s caused so many people

I won’t get into much detail but after 37 days being porn free, I had normal sex without PIED, which always happened to me whenever I was with a girl.

I’m worried I couldn’t last as long as I had hoped for but I guess that’s another problem. I started reading “no more Mr. Nice guy” based on a recommendation I saw here and I guess I need to work more in myself.

But I do feel inspired to do so, I know I can get into a normal relationship knowing I will at least be able to have intimate relationships with my partner.

Fuck porn for all the damage it has caused me and so many people, if anyone struggling reads this, please know that quitting porn is really worth it and you deserve to reward yourself by stop consuming it.

I’m 24 years old, I couldn’t lose my virginity in 4 chances I had when I was 18 or 19 but couldn’t make the connection that it was because of porn. Up to this year that it happened again so it’s been 5 times, I started reading about what it could be and I found this sub.

LINK – Finally got laid without PIED

By Any_Responsibility70