Age 25 – Finally cured PIED. Some tips

So I posted a thread 3 days ago about being finally cured of PIED and how amazing it feels, etc. Many of you are probably wondering if I did anything else during the recovery period that helped speed it up and show better results so I thought I’d get into it, simple and straight to the point!

  • Time – Like I said in my previous post, the main thing that helped me recover was giving it time. Give it as long as it needs. There is no specific time period as it differs from each person. Don’t relapse (and if you do, stay strong and start over. I did multiple times.
  • Exercise – I started running everyday for 20 minutes for about a week and a half then I stopped because, I’m not gonna lie, I hate cardio. I found an alternative that I enjoy and I’ve been doing ever since. Boxing. I’ve boxed and trained every single day for the past 80 days or so.
  • Cold showers – I started taking cold showers almost everyday. Just a quick 30-60 second cold shower.
  • Meditation – You don’t have to yoga-pose a 30-60 minute meditation session every single day. I meditated for 10-20 minutes for a few days. Now I just try to relax my mind and breathe. Always breathe properly and throughout your whole body.
  • Supplements – I started taking L-Citrulline, Korean Panax Ginseng, Vitamin B-Complex (which contains B-6), Ginkgo Biloba.
  • Hobbies – Keep yourself busy as much as you can. Don’t sit in your room for hours doing nothing. Get off your lazy ass and stay active. Pick a hobby and add it to your routine. (I found Sudoku to be very helpful as it keeps your brain going. I play it every single morning before work).

Things to avoid:

  • DO NOT give in to temptations
  • DO NOT look at pictures or videos of any kind that could lead to a relapse (we all know which. Instagram models, suggestive movies and music videos, etc)
  • DO NOT give in to depression
  • DO NOT give up or think it’s a hopeless case
  • DO NOT be lazy
  • DO NOT be hard on yourself

It really is simpler than it seems. Just DO NOT GIVE UP.

If you guys have any questions or want any specific details, PLEASE do not hesitate to contact me or comment here. I am more than happy to help.

I want to see every single on of you cured, okay?!


LINK –FINALLY CURED! Simple solution (Part 2)

by GettingAGrip