Age 27 – Used to get turned on by some hot guy just because I felt the high of being inferior

I am a 27-year-old man. I have been masturbating a lot since the age of 13. Discovered marijuana when 19. Been smoking pot from then on up to this point. The combination of masturbation and weed gives me a lot of pleasure and high. I feel horny if I smoke pot alone and I can’t resist it and I masturbate. I am a decent looking guy. I had my chances with girls but something always held me back while trying on girls that I was interested in.

Porn and masturbation has fucked my brain wiring. I only looked for opportunities where I could smoke pot and masturbate. I stopped meeting any of my friends and I told them that I was busy but all I was doing was smoking pot and masturbating. I became extremely fat and ugly looking. From being a decent looking guy to a fat and ugly guy. I felt so ugly that I stopped looking into other people’s eyes. I considered very low of myself. I started worshiping all the hot ladies on Instagram. I also started looking at guys even while I wasn’t gay. I used to get turned on by some hot guy just because I felt the high of being inferior.

So you got the point how bad my situation was.

So, I started NoFap. I always knew about NoFap even before all this existed but I wasn’t convinced of it. When I was a kid in the 2000s I used to tell about ‘not masturbating’ to my friends while studying for exams I felt that it gave me luck in the exams but the elder ones in my friends group used to tell us that masturbation is healthy. So being a kid I followed him even though I myself had experienced the luck that I used to get when I stopped masturbating. So, I continued masturbating.

So, cut to today my situation was worst, ugly looking, fat, still staying with parents on parent’s money…I decided to do nofap. I first decided to do a streak of 2 days. I did that successfully. Then for 3 days then 5, 7 and so on. And today I completed 90 days full monk mode.

So, what I learnt?

1. I really understood what I want to do in the next 2-3 years. This is because in those 90 days I faced a lot of flatlines (around 30 days in total but separated). In those flat lines I was just sad and depressed but I did not relapse and I kept finding what I wanted. So I found what I wanted to do. I found what gives me happiness and not just plain pleasure.

2. Pleasure and happiness are 2 different things. Our decisions in life must be more towards happiness and less towards pleasure. When you stop masturbating you find the next source of dopamine maybe it’s junk food, sugar etc. So I did those things. Instead of masturbating I ate junk, drank junk and watched YouTube every day for at least 8 hours. Finally, after 20-25 days I became bored of these habits and I started eating clean and also started working out. So, stopping masturbation leads to other good habits.

3. More energy while working out. Girl attraction. Though I did not date anyone during these 90 days I still got few phone numbers of cute looking girls. I did not proceed however because I wanted to do this 90-day full semen retention. I just took their numbers just to see if I can get their numbers. I was more focused on my work and very less distracted since I knew that I was not going to masturbate so I stopped thinking about hot girls.

4. After 60 days – There will be You will feel so sad because you didn’t have your pleasure of orgasm for so long and now you want to just release it. But don’t yet release it, because if you don’t masturbate your brain will ask you what do you want ? at this time neither food nor anything makes you happy you just try to find the work that makes you a happy person. So you start searching for happiness which is a good thing.

Porn mocks you. It shows you what you don’t have. And so, you feel the urge to masturbate. So, don’t even peek. If you peek, you will be close to relapsing trust me I know the horniness. And your thing does work after 90 days no need to check. So avoid peeking at all costs.

5. Start exercising get hot…because after your long streaks you would want yourself to be hot because you will be such a focused beast that girls would want to fuck you. Just kidding…hehe. The reason to exercise is that exercise teaches you the relationship between pain and happiness. When you exercise regularly there are bound to have days where you just feel like not working out. But when you exercise you go through pain and after the exercise there’s just happiness of completion which resides. Thus, pain leads to happiness.

So, there are a lot of benefits of no fap that I experienced I could go on and on so I have stopped.

But after 90 days I have just relapsed and I just wanted to share you my experience. Now I am going to start a new streak and this time I am planning to go up to 120 days without masturbation. This new journey will teach a lot of new things to me. If this gets over 1000 upvotes I will make a post about a guide on NoFap.

LINK – Completed 90 days for the first time.What i have learnt from this nofap journey?

by gutka_9833