Age 27 – Recovered after 2 years of reboot from severe pied and no sexual experience

After 24 months with a bang.recovery from severe pied. Man I just came to post my recovery journal and u won’t believe it…I’m married 8 months now…for 3 months It was a trail and error kind of recovery and I was afraid a lot…Man u won’t believe it at last I mustered up the courage and now sex is intense and long lasting…keeps getting better and better….it all pays off man…after 24 months ….consistency is the key and get a rewiring partner to know how to have sex…lol….and more importantly I did not take any pills…

Just keep going guys and when the time comes don’t panic. And thanks to all the rebooters who posted and I’m sure I might help someone the same way as this forum helped me…i was afraid that i might have some leakage but after frequent sex I found out that my brain was wired to faster ejaculation and after rewiring with my partner now everything is fine.

Thanks a lot guys…sorry for the late post but sure text me if you are in recovery stage …I got help when i needed now it’s my time to help you all…with love- oden

LINK – After 2 fucking years of reboot from severe pied and no previous sex experience

By – Oden92