Age 30 – 365 days challenge complete!

Just wanted to share that it’s been over a year now since I’ve watched porn! This is one of the more impressive accomplishments I’ve had and I just want to celebrate it! I’ll be honest in saying that there weren’t any real ups and downs to this, as soon as I got serious about kicking the habit, I just got it in my mind that I won’t watch porn anymore.

Writing a journal on here helped me on my path

I want to say thanks for those who commented on it.

1.) I identified why I was attracted to porn – Lack of emotional connection and intimacy, achieved that by pursuing my passions and making friends and making a point to say how much I appreciated them.
2.) I adopted the attuide of someone who doesn’t watch porn, so instead of avoiding porn. I just started making affirmations such as “I’m not that guy anymore”, “I don’t watch porn”, “it’s not my thing”. Really
3.) Busy social life – Getting out of the house, being social and pursuing my passions keep me busy.

Plus I would also say, I didn’t get too caught up with the streak as my new attitude towards porn meant that I didn’t get obsessed with it.

2023 was a fantastic year for me!

I realise that my suggestions are not necessarily the most original, not the easiest to implement and even a little boring. However, I’ve always believed that if you want something badly, you’ll do whatever you can to get there. Well I did get there, and I’m enjoying my life even more thanks to these goals!

Sometimes I get wet dreams but never have they made me want to watch porn. Whenever my mind does wonder about sex, I tend to make a note of it and return to the present and do or think of something else.

it feels good to not have to sneak around my flat anymore! I guess it helped my self esteem a bit, I used to feel some disappointment in myself after masturbating to porn, it’s great to no longer feel like that anymore. I’d say the biggest benefit, is that I’m using the time that I would’ve spent watching porn on doing other things, like organising social gatherings or exercising.

By: allofenglandisacity

Source: 365 days challenge complete!