Age 34 – DE, ED. Porn and addiction killed my ability to perform sexually. Rectified!

I was having delayed erections, soft erections, inability to maintain my erection during sex, which lead to inability to orgasm during sex. It was deflating and embarrassing.

So I sought information like a mad hound in a hunt. I feel idiotic that I didn’t realize I had an addiction to Porn and masturbation. It’s obvious now… but when I was in the thick of things I figured it was normal as a man to have desire to watch porn and orgasm as often as possible. It became 100% evident when I tried not to just for a few days. It caused me to look at all sorts of addictive traits. I have a ton. (Booze, pot, adrenaline, sex, sodas, caffeine, porn, Christ even pain pills as a kid)

It took a year and 6months to get a grip on all of them. It started with Porn and masturbation. Coffee and adrenalin are the only culprits I allow.

I failed more times then I care to count but finally have myself ahead of the cart. But as a lot of guys say in here one day it all just ‘clicks.’

My sex life is top notch again. Erectile problems aren’t even a nervous thought anymore. My gal can tell this all has boosted our sex lives and supports nofap.

Honestly I could type on and on about the greatness of my results but I don’t want to become a droner.. I’m just very very happy and it all started bc of one pic (I linked it above) making me think ‘huh, I may have a problem.’

This whole journey works. I’m not at 90 days but I’ve learnt so much about addiction, chasing dopamine, my body, and my overall health.

My sex life is almost as good as when I was a 20yo, I’ve lost weight bc I recognized I needed it both for weight but also bc it feeds my dopamine needs healthily, My bravado is back thanks to realizing here I needed testosterone treatments, I sleep better now and wake up with vigor, I have more all around energy, and I’m happy.

Want to harp on that last part. I’m the Happiest I’ve been in years. 5-7 Years!

All this stemmed from me accidentally finding this nofap page, educating myself, recognizing the signs and symptoms, and committing to go at this with an authentic effort.

I failed more times over the last year & 1/2 but I’m confident I’ve kicked the habit bc I acknowledge I have addiction problems and accepting that made fighting it more empowering.

Good luck guys! The grass is so much greener on the other side. When you cross over you’ll know & feel it. Worth it.

Salute! – one very happy friend.

34yo. This is going to sound egotistical… I’ve always had magnetism. I’m a salesman by trade so that derives from years of training and a inherit charisma I’ve always tried to maximize to my advantage. Seduction has never been an issue.

BUT porn and addiction killed my libido and physical ability to perform sexually… that has since been rectified. Hope that helps. Not trying to be arrogant, etc.

LINK – 75 days – thanks everyone!

By woppyvac3