DE and PIED cured. Change your default to sex and away from masturbation

Where the focus should be is in the process, in the rewiring part, in changing your default mechanism to S and M without P. And to deal with problems in life with healthier solutions, like emotional intelligence, taking responsibility instead of always being a victim, developing new healthy habits, not being in toxic relationships or in jobs that we don`t like at a point that we need PMO to escape, meditating.

That`s the rewiring part. Again, you can`t promise that you never will PMO again or a goal of 1, 180 days, 90 days…cut PMO and expect that you will be cured!

You need the rewiring part.

The pillars are cutting off PMO and REWIRING**.**

But like I said, not rewiring just only with exercises, cold showers, meditation.

You have to look what is the 80/20 here. And like I said, for me was having another healthier default mechanism to deal with my sex drive, which is S and M without P. And dealing with my big problems.

The rewiring part is what will give you new healthier mechanisms to deal with your sexual desire and to deal with big problems.

Without healthier new mechanisms you cut of PMO, but your sex drive will call out, your big problems will call out, and without rewiring/new healthier mechanisms you will go back to your default mechanism, which is PMO. So you will be in a loop.

LINK – Advice. DE and PIED cured. 8months without PMO.

By Zealousideal-Bite248