From a pathetic loser to a successful young man – Three year report

successful young man

Hey. 27 male here. I discovered NoFap 3 years ago, while browsing sexy pics on Reddit (ironically, I know) to fap on. And because of curiosity I opened r/Nofap, read a few stories and I told myself “what I have to lose? My life is already a shit”. And I started. On that day I was a lazy pathetic loser, with no job, no master degree, no girlfriend ever (kissless virgin). I was PMO ing 3-4 times a day and had lots of mental issues like anxiety, panic attacks and depression. Not successful.

After just one week of NoFap I felt a difference. I started walking outside and daily taking care seemed easier.

After about 6 months found a well paid job which I never believed I will ever get, but happened. This gave me a lot of confidence, energy and I felt for the first time in my life appreciated.

After few more months I decided to start a master degree because I had so muuch energy and confidence that I can do it. It wasn’t easy, but I had to push my limits.

And at this master I found a gorgeous girl who was 100% my type and had the balls to ask her out. And surprisingly she became my girlfriend.Fast forward I got my first kiss, lost my V card at 25yo and a half with this great girl and this relationship changed me. I felt a reason to fight no matter how bad I felt.

After about 500 days decided it’s time to take my driving license and get a car. And I succeeded, I wasn’t anymore that afraid pussy who feared everything. I gave up taking anxiety pills because I felt strong enough to fight on my own.

Finished my master this summer with maximum grades and all because of nofap and motivation which gave to me.

Who I am now? A strong, confident and successful young man. I am the man I always dreamed. I have a well paid job, a car, a flat where I’m staying with my beautiful girlfriend (whom I plan to propose to her this Christmas on holiday), I have reasons to live now. Still an introvert who doesn’t like being around many people, but thats my personality. I am no more suffering from anxiety, depression and panic attacks. Now I find porn and masturbating disgusting and pathetic

And now I’m the “teacher” for my 20 yo brother because I want him to be succesful as me.

If I could, you can too.😊🤗

LINK – 3 years of NoFap. From a pathetic loser to a successful young man

By – u/SuccessfulNoFapper