I have excelled in my professional career, developed better relationships with my family, friend, and women in my life.

Hey everyone, today is my longest streak to date. I have kept a orange sticky note in my wallet for the past 8 months and during that time I have added and crossed out 23 different dates. I have tried and FAILED to do nofap for 8 months.

Some advice for everyone here, please find your reason for doing nofap. Write it down, tell yourself how you want to live your life. Personally I felt as if I wasn’t striving to reach my full potential because EVERYTIME I came across a stressful situation or I had a bad day at work I would go home and PMO. It was a constant in my life since I was 12 yrs old.

PMO has been a thorn at my side for too long and I never wanted to admit it was an addiction until I took a long look at myself in the mirror and I was NOT happy with who looked back at me.

I can honestly say that today I have excelled in my professional career, developed better relationships with my family, friend, and women in my life. I owe this to the added motivation and confidence I’ve gotten from nofap.

This experience has been liberating and I am striving for 90 days and once I achieve that, I will go for 365. I love you all. Remember always that you are free and in control of your life.

LINK – 54 Days. I HAVE FELT COMPLETELY ALIVE for 54 days. No more coasting, no more being complacent. I have become in charge of my own life.

by mannytheman017