I refuse to let my life slip by and dedicate it all to porn

As the title suggests, after around 4-5 years of constant attempts, at the age of 19 I’ve finally hit my goal of 90 days. I’ll just start by saying I know this isn’t as long as the monster streaks reported here (massive love respect for all of you btw), but damn this has been a long time coming, and I wish to share by journey, how I’m feeling now and what I did to get here. Just a quick mention, I never intend to masturbate again.

I discovered porn when I was around 14 years old, and it kind of took my life by storm being a hormone crazed teenager, it was great, and considering I didn’t have many responsibilities then, it’s all I ever used to do. Most days I would hit 3+ times, it was bad. A year later I discovered nofap, and all the benefits that people spoke of, I said to myself that this is what I have to do to start feeling better (since I never really had a great family life).

It took so many attempts, during those 5 years the longest I could go was a couple of weeks, and I found that I only hit that when I had a crush on a girl (how convenient). Masturbating and porn really messed with my confidence, my appearance, my mindset, my sociability etc.

On April 28th 2020, which was following the absolute lowest point of my life, having lost all friends and genuinely just being a depressed mess, I finally deceived enough was enough, and this time I stuck to it. I’ve finally done it.

The first two weeks were the hardest, wave of urges came but the desire to masturbate slowly dissipated, from day 20 onwards I would have a surge maybe once every 3/4 days but again, they were so easy to control, the thought of masturbating just made me sick. And after day 40, well, let’s just say it’s been smooth sailing. Gyms have finally opened where I am so I’m hitting it again, I’m starting to read again, I’ve fallen in love with my course again, I’ve managed to face problems head on, music sounds incredible. Funnily enough however I don’t even crave real sex with a woman (apart from the odd day), the thing I care most about is real genuine connection, because at the end of the day that’ll be the thing you value most in a relationship.

My advice? Get up right now, go to your mirror and tell yourself never again, think about all the evil things the porn industry does, imagine if it was your mother? Your sister? The woman you like? How would that make you feel? And then say to yourself, “I’m doing this for me”, and I promise you, you stop masturbating, and you develop good habits, people will be drawn to you, you’ll face your problems head on (because they don’t disappear, you just have the energy and rationale to finally deal with them appropriately). Once you hit around day 30 as well, it’ll get to the point where you don’t even want to do it because you’ve not done it for so long. I get it’s hard, no good thing came easy to anyone. I didn’t do this for any religion or anyone else, I did it because you get one shot at life, and you’ll catch me dead before I let my life slip and dedicate it all to porn, waking up when I’m 40 thinking where the hell did my life go.

I wish you all the best, I appreciate you all, my dms are always open for advice or general chat. You’ve got this. Don’t let anyone tell you different.

LINK – After 5 years, I’ve finally hit 90 days, and I’m not stopping, ever.

By sxfyyy [user has deleted their account]