I’ve stopping “posing” real women in porn scenarios, I get stuff done, and I pay attention in class

At this point I’m not sure if these changes are because of something else or simply because of abstaining from porn. But here they are:

  1. I can concentrate a bit better than before. I first noticed this during online classes – I don’t open another app or stare into space, I actually pay attention.

  2. Spending time in a more beneficial way. Because I’m not watching porn, my brain found a way to replace it – going on a walk at least 5 times a week. There’s still a lot of room to improve, but it’s something.

  3. My reactions to sexualization in media. I used to think “oh yeah!”, but now I’m like “well, that’s unnecessary”. I have a more disgruntled reaction to porn in general. I seriously think entertainment is too sexualized nowadays. Of course there isn’t something unnecessarily sexual jn every piece of media, but it still irks me when I see it.

  4. The way I look at women. My brain used to be absolutely rotten. Every time I saw a woman, albeit in real life or in entertainment, the first thing I thought was: “I wonder how she would look in a sex position.” I’m glad this virus is gone.

And most importantly…

My motivation is higher. There’s still a lot of problems when it comes to my motivation, but I have noticed I get tasks done quicker and don’t insult myself (as often 🙁) for little mistakes I make.

These changes aren’t huge, my brain will take a long time to rewire itself. I am definitely on the right path though!

LINK – 6.5 weeks porn free and these are the changes I noticed…

By smellibelli