Multiple 1+ month NoFap experiment results – I am 100% convinced now that NOFAP is 100% life changing


After many 30+ days of NoFap experiments and my last 40 day record breaking NoFap challenge i think i am ready to present my results and go over NOFAP benefits, what happens when i fail and few negatives about NoFap (yes there are few negatives). Why did I do multiple testing you may be wondering? I wanted to ensure that it is not a placebo and I am 100% convinced now that NOFAP is 100% life changing. Please remember i have noticed this exact same pattern every time i have went on long stretches of NoFap and then broke it.


1) The first thing i notice when on nofap is that i start taking better care of my self. I start caring more about my health , my appearance, and about my life so i start doing the following.
– I start eating healthier , my last nofap challenge i went vegan for 30 days and let me tell you guys i felt amazing… so much energy, great mood, and only needed 5-6 hours of sleep at night where i usually feel tired even when i get 10-11 hours of sleep.
– I brush my teeth and floss two times a day instead of once and sometimes not even once a day.
– I start whitening my teeth
– I look forward to going to gym regularly and walk my dog daily for 2-3 miles
– I start taking vitamin supplements, put lotion on my face , and get regular haircuts.
– I start caring about how i look when i go outside even when doing things like walking my dog or doing a quick grocery run (when i am fapping ill just put on some clothes and only go if i really really need to dreading it the whole way)

2) Better mood , more energy, and way more outgoing and social
– I start going out shopping almost daily and interacting with people
– I find reasons to go visit my friends and family
– I have way more confidence and my social skills are much much better the conversation just flows naturally
– I look forward to doing things like gym , shopping, work …instead of my usual self where i just want to lay in bed watch movies/youtube.
– My outlook on life becomes way more positive

3) GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS yes i notice improvement with girls the following ways..
– I approach and interact with girls way way more and i dont have any problems starting a conversation with a random girl (the craziest thing i did was start talking to a girl while we were both pumping gas and actually got her number …you never see anyone talk to strangers when they are pumping gas but that is how social i become when on nofap i just talk to everyone not giving a fuck.
– Girls are way more interested in me and yes i do feel that they notice that something is different about me so they are more open about me talking to them and and i become way more attractive to them. (ill go in more detail in post below on why i think this is)
– Regular girls become way more attractive to me and i start caring alot more about getting with girls and even start thinking about having a family and getting a wife something i dont really care about when i am fapping.

In short my life goes back to shit almost immediately …SERIOUSLY. I could be on NoFap and even have plans to hangout w a girl or my friends that day or go to gym THAT DAY …… and then I fap….and all my motivation to do any of those instantly goes away and all i wanna do is chill at my house be lazy and watch youtube, movies, and play game so i end up not doing anything i planned that day.
– After i start fapping again i start eating like crap…. i went 30 days eating very healthy vegan diet (fruits and vegetables NO FAST FOOD) and then i broke the nofap and these past 3 weeks that i been fapping after the 40 day NoFap i legit been eating pizza, burgers, and Chinese food every day NO JOKE. I dont think i ate a single fruit in 3 weeks and i am not even exaggerating i just stop caring and have no motivation/discipline to pick the healthy food over junk food.
– I lose all motivation to talk to girls or go after them… why go on dates and put in work when i can just fap to 10/10 girls on the internet.
– I stop going to gym and my hygiene goes back to shit.
– I start developing social anxiety and my confidence goes to shit…i start making excuses not to hangout w friends…. i even go as far as cancel plans that i made with friends/girls when i was on NOFAP…yes i lie that something came up but usually its just that i lost all motivation to spend time w them.


Many people don’t mention this but there are few negative things about nofap that i have noticed.
– Worst thing I did on NoFap was book a flight to THAILAND FOR A MONTH without thinking about it too much because one of my friends was in THAILAND and was telling me about all the girls he was smashing… The flight ticket alone was for $2000 not even including apartment and food… i literally would have spent all my savings and got in credit card debt if i went…luckily i also bought flight insurance and was able to get a full refund minus the $100 i spent on insurance when i fapped and came back to my senses.
– I become obsessed with talking to girls …i start wanting to hit up girls on facebook that i had not talked to in 2+ years… my girl friends that i met in college i hadnt talked to in years….girls i used to work with 2-3 years ago and hadnt talked to since i quit…and even girls i used to be cool with in highschool …. when fapping and thinking straight i think that is cringe AF but when on NOFAP that sounds like amazing idea lol
– I start caring way more about socializing with friends and girls to the point of it being too much and it affecting my work. For example if i start working on something (i work from home) i will find an excuse to go shopping or get out of the house and go socialize rather then be stuck in the house and finish my work. I would rather do anything then stay in the house which causes me to spend more money and neglect my work and thats bad considering i am self employed so i have no boss bitching at me.
– Constantly thinking about NoFap and spending way too much time browsing nofap forums and reading NoFap material.

LINK – 40 Day NoFap Benefits (multiple 1+ month NoFap experiment results)

by Scorpion2